The live stream for today's regularly scheduled board meeting can be accessed via our web site at 7:00 PM today, February 21, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
Last week, GVMS 7th and 8th grade students had the opportunity to tour BridgeValley Community and Technical College. Students explored different fields of study offered at BridgeValley, including the state-of-the-art nursing school that just opened this year. After some hands on learning in the simulated ER, students were excited about the options waiting for them after high school. Students also got a quick lesson in welding at the Toyota Hall!
over 1 year ago, Chris Williams
GVMS Touring BridgeValley Community College
GVMS Touring BridgeValley Community College
GVMS Touring BridgeValley Community College
GVMS Touring BridgeValley Community College
GVMS Touring BridgeValley Community College
This is a reminder that Monday, February 20, is a professional learning day. Students will not report.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
LCS Update (10:10 PM) - All LCHS students have been transported home safely. Thank you to all staff, community members, and families for a safe delivery home.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
LCS Update ( 9:15 PM ) - LCS officials have determined it is now safe to transport LCHS students home who live in the Duval attendance area. The estimated time for departure for the LCHS students will be approximately 9:30 PM. We recommend Parents/Guardians be at the bus stop to receive your child. Once again, thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to make student safety our top priority.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
LCS Update (7:47 PM) - All Duval PK-8 students have been transported home safely. Thank you to all staff, community members, and families for a safe delivery home.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
LCS Update ( 6:00 PM ) - LCS officials have determined it is now safe to transport Duval PK-8 students located at the board office. The estimated time for departure for the Duval PK-8 students will be approximately 6:45 p.m. We recommend Parents/Guardians be at the bus stop to receive your child. LCHS students living in the Duval attendance area will remain at the LCHS building until such time as the water recedes and school officials determine a safe level on Route 3 near the Hamlin Lions Club Field. Bus operators will remain on stand-by in the event that the water recedes and we can safely transport LCHS students who live in the Duval area and are still at LCHS. Once again, thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to make student safety our top priority.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
LCS Update (2:55 PM) LCS staff have been assessing roads and monitoring conditions and water levels are slowly receding. We are hopeful a safe window to transport students home will be available soon. Meal preparation plans for dinner are in progress. We will share updates as conditions change. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to focus on the safety of our students.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
LCS Update (7:45 AM) - Students rested well through the night. They have begun to get up and eat breakfast. LCS staff have already been assessing roads and monitoring conditions. We are hopeful a safe window to transport students home will be available soon. Meal preparation plans for lunch are in progress. We will share updates as conditions change. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to focus on the safety of our students.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
LCS Update as of 11:42 PM - At this point, students are resting and tucked in for the night. We will no longer be looking for a window of opportunity to transport students home tonight. We will plan for students to remain at school through the night and will plan to feed students breakfast in the morning. If parents can make it to the school to pick up their child, staff will be manning the office. We will reassess the situation tomorrow morning and send updates.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
LCS Update as of 9:43 PM - LCS has secured the necessary supplies to house students overnight. We are proceeding as if this will be the case. Thank you to all our transportation staff, school staff, central office staff, and community members who have pitched in to keep our kids safe. We will continue to monitor the situation through the night until it is safe to transport students home. Student safety remains our top priority.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
Due to high water, all schools in Lincoln County will be closed tomorrow, February 17, 2023 on a Code 2: Essential Employees only report.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
LCS Update - 7:58 PM: We are beginning to prepare sleeping arrangements in the event that students and staff have to stay the night at school. School and central office staff members are providing supervision and support. We are coordinating with 911, local stores, nearby churches, and community members to gather supplies. Cots, blankets, and pillows are being secured. We continue to monitor the weather in hopes that a safe window arrives for us to transport students home. Bus operators will remain on standby through the evening and night. We appreciate your understanding and patience. Student safety continues to be our number one priority.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
As much as we want to deliver students home in a timely manner, we have decided to keep LCHS students who live in the Duval area at LCHS and Duval PK-8 students at the Duval PK-8 building in Hamlin until we are 100% certain waters have receded and transportation routes are safe. Students at both buildings are being supervised by adults, have been fed, and are entertained with activities. Safety is the top priority and we will keep you updated as we continue through the evening. School leaders are closely monitoring routes in the Duval attendance area and monitoring the weather forecast. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue to monitor this situation. Student safety continues to be our top priority.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
Harts PK-8 Message: The road is open and buses are transporting students home.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
Harts PK-8 Message: The road is still blocked on Route 10 where the power pole was down. Harts PK-8 students have been transported back to the school. Students will be transported home as soon as the road is clear. We will send along updates as we receive them.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
Harts PK-8 Message: The road at Harts is now passable and the power pole has been removed. Buses will be transporting Harts PK-8 students home.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
LCHS Message: This is an early release update for LCHS. Buses will be held for students who live in the Duval area until waters recede and it is deemed safe for bus transportation. We will provide an update when buses are released to safely transport students home. At this time students are safe in their school building.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
Duval PK-8 Message: This is an early release update for Duval PK-8. Buses will be held at Duval PK-8 until waters recede and it is deemed safe for bus transportation. We will provide an update when buses are released to safely transport students home. At this time students are safe in their school building.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling
Harts PK-8 Message: A power pole has fallen and blocked the road to bus traffic near the State Road garage on Route 10. Buses are not allowed through at this time. Power is out at the school. Students who live toward Ranger from the Harts PK-8 school are being held at the school until buses are allowed through. We will share more information as updates become available. Students are safe at their school building at this time.
over 1 year ago, Angie Urling